Thursday, 26 February 2015

Drawing Arc and Profile

Drawing Arcs

Drawing Arcs by defining the center point

Menu:  Insert  >  Profile  >  Circle  >  Arc
Toolbar:  profile  >  Circle  >  Arc

Drawing three point Arcs

Menu:  Insert  >  Profile  >  Circle  >  Three point Arc
Toolbar:  Profile  >  Circle  >  Three point Arc

Drawing Three Point Arcs Starting with limits

Menu:  Insert  >  Profile  >  Circle  >  Three Point Arc starting with Limits
Toolbar:  Profile  >  Circle  >  Three Point arc starting with limits

Drawing Profiles

Menu:  Insert  >  Profile  >  Profile
Toolbar:  Profile  >  Profile

In CATIA, a profile is defined as a combination of continuous lines and arcs.
Drawing continuous line means that the line automatically starts at the endpoint of the previous line.

You will notice that the expanded sketch tools toolbar has three buttons:
1. Line
2. Tangent Arc
3. Three Point Arc

While drawing a three arc starting with limits, you can specify the start and endpoint of the arc first and then the third point anywhere on it.

Drawing a Tangent Arc using the profile tool

After Draw the line, the Tangent Arc button becomes available.
An Arc is tangent to line which drawn earlier.


You will notice a constraint applied between the line and arc. This is the tangent constraint.
Drawing Three Point Arcs using the Profile Tool
The first point of the three point arc is the endpoint of the line you have drawn.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Points and Circles

Drawing Points

Drawing Points by clicking

Menu:  Insert  >  Profile  >  Point  >  Point
Toolbar:  Profile  >Point  >  Point by clicking

Drawing circles

Drawing circles

Menu:  Insert  >  Profile  >  Circle  >  Circle
 Toolbar:  Profile  >  Circle  >  Circle

Drawing a Three Point Circle

Menu: Insert  >  Profile  >  Circle  >Three point Circle
Toolbar:  Profile  >  Circle  >Three point Circle

Drawing Circles using Coordinates

Menu:  Insert  >  Profile  >  Circle  >  Circle using coordinates
Toolbar:  Profile  >  Circle  >  Circle using coordinates

Circles can also be drawn by specifying the absolute coordinates values of the center and radius.

Drawing Tri-Tangent Circles

Menu:  Insert  >  Profile  >  Circle  >Tri- Tangent Circle
Toolbar:  Profile  >  Circle  >Tri-Tangent Circle
To draw it, you first need to draw the three elements, which can be lines, circles, ellipse, arcs, or any geometrical element, to which a circle can form a tangent relation.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Rectangles and Parallelograms

Drawing Rectangles, Oriented Rectangles and Parallelograms

Drawing Rectangles

Menu :  Insert  >  Profile  >  Predefined Profile  >  Rectangle
Toolbar : Profile  >  Predefined profile  >  Rectangle

Note :

The Rectangle, drawn in CATIA v5, is a combination of four lines and each line is an individual element.

You can also draw a rectangle by entering the values in the Sketch tools toolbar. On drawing a rectangle by this method, you will notice that a few dimensions and applied to the resulting rectangle.

Drawing oriented Rectangles

Menu :  Insert  >  Profile  >  Predefined Profile  >  Oriented Rectangle
Toolbar :  Profile  >  Predefined Profile  >  Oriented Rectangle

The angle formed between the line and horizontal reference is the orientation angle of the rectangle.

Drawing Parallelograms

Menu:  Insert  >  Profile  >  Predefined profile  >  Parallelogram
Toolbar:  Profile  >  Predefined Profile  >  Parallelogram

Sunday, 20 July 2014


Drawing Lines

Menu: Insert  >  Profile  >  Line  >  Line
Toolbar: Profile  >  Line


1. Standard elements are white in color.

2. A line consists of three geometric elements: start point, line segment, and endpoint. The start and endpoint     are construction elements, while the line segment is a standard element.

3. The specified dimension values for the start and endpoint are displayed, because the Dimensional   Constraints button is chosen in the sketch tools toolbar.

4. The Grid button in the Sketch tools toolbar is used to toggle the display of the grid.

5. A line that turns blue, while drawing implies that it is constrained. The constraint may be horizontal or vertical, depending on the direction, in which the line is drawn.

6. As soon as you specify the endpoint of the line, the Line tool is terminated. Therefore, you need to choose this button again and again to draw multiple lines. You can avoid this by double-clicking on the Line button in the Profile toolbar. Now, the line tool will not be terminated until you press the ESC key twice


If you open a file that was saved in the sketcher workbench, it will be opened in the sketcher workbench only and not in the Part Design workbench  

Drawing line with symmetrical extension 

To draw a line with a symmetrical extension, invoke the Line tool and choose the Symmetrical Extension button from the expanded Sketch tools toolbar.

Drawing Infinite Lines

Menu: Insert  >  Profile  >  Line  >  Infinite Line
Toolbar: Profile  >  Line  >  Infinite Line

Drawing Bi-Tangent Lines

Menu: Insert  > Profile  >  Line  >  Bi – Tangent Line
Toolbar: Profile  >  Line  >  Bi- Tangent Line

Bi- Tangent lines are the lines that are tangent to two circles, arcs, ellipse, conics or any curved geometry.

Drawing Bisecting Lines

Menu: Insert  >  Profile  >  Line  >  Bisecting Line
Toolbar: Profile  >  Line  >  Bisecting Line

Bisecting lines are the lines that pass through two intersecting lines such that the angle formed between them is divided equally.

Select the first line and then select the second line.

A bisecting line of infinite length is drawn.

Drawing Line Normal to Curve

Menu: Insert  >  Profile  >  Line  >  Line normal to curve
Toolbar:  Profile  >  Line  >  Line normal to curve

Drawing Center Line

Menu :  Insert  >  Profile  >  Axis
Toolbar:  Profile  >  Axis

Generally, This tool is used to create the axis for the revolved features.   

Sketcher Toolbar

While drawing a sketch, you often need to select some elements. The tools that are required to make a selection are available in the Sketcher toolbar.


This tool allows you to make a selection of the elements.

Selection Trap

This is a method of selecting elements by creating a selection trap. All the objects that lie fully inside the selection trap are selected.

Intersecting Trap

This allows you to select elements of a sketch that are inside or are intersected by the trap.

Polygon trap

This method includes selecting elements by drawing a closed polygon as the selection trap.

Paint Stroke Selection

This method includes selecting elements by dragging the mouse to draw a paint stroke across them. The elements that are intersected by the paint stroke are selected.

Outside Trap selection

The elements that are outside the selection trap are selected by using this method.

Intersecting Outside Trap selection

The elements that are outside the selection trap or are intersected by the selection trap are selected by using this method.


Examine all symbols closely. They have small differences.

Interfacing Lines

Interfacing lines are temporary lines that are used to track a particular point on the screen.  

Friday, 18 July 2014

Understanding the Sketcher terms

Specification Tree

It is a manager that keeps a track of all the operations performed on the model. 

Absolute axis

In the Sketcher workbench, the default horizontal and vertical axes passing from the origin (0,0) to infinity are referred to as Absolute Axis.

Snap to Point

This option is used to snap to the point of intersection of the primary spacing and the graduation lines while sketching.

Construction/ Standard Element

An element that is not part of the profile while creating features and is used only as a reference, or to constrain the elements of the sketch in the sketch in the Sketcher workbench, is called a Construction element.

 Depending on the requirement of the design, you can convert a standard element to a construction element, or vice a versa, using the Construction/ Standard Element button.

Setting up the Sketcher Workbench

Modifying Units

To modify units, invoke

                       Tools > Options> General > Parameters and Measure Option > Units 

Modifying the Grid Settings

The spacing between the two dotted lines is called graduation, while the spacing between the two continuous black lines is called primary spacing.

By default, the value of the Graduation parameter is set to 10 in both the horizontal and vertical direction.
The default value of the Primary Spacing parameter is 100 mm.

                        Tools > Option > Mechanical Design > Sketcher 

To enable the edit boxes of Primary Spacing and Graduation under the V row, select the Allow Distortions check box.